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Thanks for the recommendation!
posted by John : November 5, 2023

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What a lovely place

Completely unexpectedly, we ran into a friend on trail. We stopped and chatted for a bit. Part reminiscing about past adventures and talking about the current one. It was a great chat. As we prepared to head our separate ways, he gave me a suggestion for another trip in the area: Koppen Mountain. Thanks, Tom.

A couple of weeks later as I stood atop Koppen it occurred to me I wouldn't have considered this trip had it not been recommended to me. How many other adventures have been gifted to me because of who I happened to know. And how many of those connections were with people that look just like me? Most of them.

Sure, the internet has helped people find adventures, but you and I both know the good ones, the really good ones are usually held back. We refer to that peak as Sekrit Mountain. That trail that gives amazing access? It's never named. If we do post about those special lakes we write Knat Lakes. It's a joke! It's all in good fun! Other people aren't ready for these hikes! It's gatekeeping!

Tink and I only saw two people on our hike in spite of the large numbers of people at trailheads just a little down the road. Why wasn't anyone else on Koppen? Possibly because it's not as good as other places, but also because people don't share their finds.

All this to encourage you to share your finds not just with your close friends, but with anyone that asks. I promise, if you ask me a question about where a picture was taken or for a recommendation, I'll give you my honest answer.

📍On the lands of the Yakama people.

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